CoinxPad: The prime centralized/decentralized exchange multi-chain IDO launchpad

Christophy Barth
4 min readSep 26, 2021


The world of cryptocurrency is experiencing immense growth as new projects are brought into focus at intervals. Hence, success in Crypto projects became arduous due to the development of intense competition in the crypto space. Because of this, Crypto launchpads were introduced to combat the problems crypto projects face. Launchpads are platforms that make a way to increase capital for brand new projects by allowing investors to buy into new cryptocurrency projects before the token sales are made public. Launchpad lessens hindrances to entry like the costs and regulative demands.

Let’s talk about one of the newest launchpad projects that are authentic and offers great services as well.


CoinxPad is a platform that enables crypto users to gain access to new crypto tokens before their centralized or decentralized exchange listing at a lower price. This policy will warrant cryptocurrency projects to give rise to liquidity and distribute tokens.

CoinxPad is a crypto project platform that links crypto projects with prospective investors straightforwardly and safely.

Merits of CoinxPad platform

  • Creation of guarded destination for little/medium/large presale investors and early phase projects.
  • Investors stand to gain absolute access to the safe, ingenious project and gratifying investment on all blockchain.
  • Partnership is advantageous because our team of blockchain pundits and developers provides flattering audits and a committed community to back them up.

How The Unicrypt Presale Works

Unicrypt Presale is made up of two(2) rounds;

  1. Round one is strictly for UNCL or UNCX holders, this round goes on for 2 hours, and to be able to participate, you need to have 3 UNCX tokens or 50 UNCL tokens in your wallet.
  2. In the second round, once the 2 hours elapse, the presale will be accessible to all until all the tokens have been sold.

To buy $CXPAD, the Unicrypt Presale page states WBNB as the recommended currency, but simply BNB is accepted as well.

Features of CoinxPad

  • Unicrypt is made available to secure most of the inceptive liquidity that was given which in turn will be observed and verified by a legit audit team.
  • USDT distribution is easier, CoinxPad transfers it automatically every 60 minutes to your wallet.
  • 3% is given to pancakeswap to boost the liquidity pool
  • $CXPAD holders that have a minimum of 200000 token stands to gain 5% bonus from every transaction.
  • Since CoinxPad has been evaluated and audited it ensures a more secure and hacking-free investment.
  • Marketing budget, platform development, and assertive promotions make use of 2% of each transaction.
  • CoinxPad has created a platform for investors to locate good contemporary projects and investment athwart blockchain network.
  • Five-star projects have been made available to all CXPAD holders by the use of our two-round system and max cap allocation for specific IDO.

Vetting Process Of CoinxPad

Any project interested in listing on
CoinxPad has to Undergo the vetting process which is simply known as the 'EDM' vetting process: The marketing plan of the project, the expertise of the team, and the development plan and timeline are assessed and ascertained. Only Until the project meets with the 'EDM' requirement can it proceed to list on CoinxPad launchpad.


$CXPAD is used as the utility token to perform all transactions, stabilize the platform and other services provided in CoinxPad ecosystem.

  • Total supply: 100,000,000,000
  • Presale: 50,000,000,000
  • Liquidity: 22,095,000,000
  • Burn: 13,000,000,000
  • Development: 5,000,000,000
  • Research and Innovation: 5,000,000,000
  • Partnership: 2,000,000,000
  • Airdrops: 2,000,000,000
  • Unicrypt fees: 900,000,000.

Why CoinxPad is a BEP-20 Token

For a long time, Ethereum Network served as the default setting for launching an innovative blockchain-based project. But, with time, the cryptocurrency expanding popularity and the emergence of decentralized finance (DeFi) solution explicitly caused huge difficulty to the Etherum Blockchain efficiency.
The time and fees for transactions on the Etherum Network rose, it became so high that blockchain contrivers began the search for a superior substitute. This led to the creation of the Binance Smart Chain.

The Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is an Etherum compatible blockchain that gives the same smart contract competence at much cheaper transaction fees. Users are enticed because its transaction speed is similar to that of the speed of light even if it’s somewhat centralized. BSC is generally and a more effective solution than ETH. This is why CoinxPad chose a more energy-efficient solution since it’s an ecologically aligned project.


CoinxPad’s characteristics permit users to recognize prospective crypto projects and straight off invest in them without having to go through other parties.$CXPAD can be earned through investing, staking, etc.

Furthermore, it is a secure location for investors and crypto initiative ideas because CoinxPad has firm assessments before the project is issued out, and to make sure CoinxPad activities are completely safeguarded, its performance is closely monitored by a team of blockchain pundits.

That been said, it is safe to say that investors can confidently partake in the projects introduced in the platform because their investment is secured.

Written by Chris Barth



Christophy Barth

Hi there, I'm Christophy Barth. I am a content writer, a mobile app developer (MAD), and a gamer. I do lots of cool innovative stuff!